Withdraw to crypto wallet

  • Updated

For your first cryptocurrency withdrawal, we strongly suggest withdrawing a small amount first to familiarize yourself with sending cryptocurrency between two wallets and avoid sending your funds to an unknown/non-existing wallet. Please note that since transactions on the blockchain are irreversible, missent funds will likely be permanently lost.

You can use MetaMask, Wallet (coinbase wallet app), Crypto.com app and etc.

Guide how to withdraw to Crypto.com

Guide how to withdraw to Binance

Guide how to withdraw to Coinbase app, a.k.a. Wallet

Withdrawing USDC Polygon

If you don't have a crypto wallet already, you will need to open an account on crypto services like Wallet (Coinbase wallet app), MetaMask, Crypto.com app, etc. Once you've created your account, the service will provide you with a crypto wallet address. This address is tied to your account and can be used for different blockchain transactions (Ethereum, Polygon, and others).

You can view the address by clicking on Receive/Deposit. Some apps will ask to choose a network - choose Polygon. Next - select USDC if needed. Copy the address and go to the Funrise.

Tap at menu icon and go to the Finance page.

Tap on Withdraw and fill the form with the previously copied Polygon wallet address and amount.

Double-check receiving wallet address and confirm the transaction.

DO NOT send NFTs to this address!

If you don't see USDC on your wallet, you probably need to switch the network from Mainnet (Ethereum) to Polygon.